Attendees Demographies
Authors, Award Winning Educators, Executive Producers, Creators, The Working Woman’s Channel & Living Real TV producres, Senior Executives, Authors, Own it-Your Success Your Future Members, The Owners & Female Founders Sub-Committee, Invest Ottawa, Founders, US & EU, Executive, Leadership & Career Coaches, Trailblazing Women's Empowerment Leaders, Global Speakers, Humanitarian-Founders, Board Chairs, Strategic Women & Youth Institute Presidents, RPs, SEPs, RCATs, Podcasters, Producers, Professional Speakers, Executive Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Female Entrepreneurs, CEOs, CFOs, Presidents of Women Entrepreneur and Professional Development Network, Business Leaders, Founders, Dream Builder Coaches, Life Style Coaches, Executive Directors , International Recovery Experts, Business Consultants, Podcast Producer, Nurse Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Life Mentor, Human Resource practitioner, Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Pastors, Leadership Coaches, Emotional Wellness Expert, Career Coaches, Business Mentors, community leaders, and motivational speakers, Managing Directors, Startup Strategists, Women Empowerment Coordinators.
Conference Schedule
Pannel Discussions | Books Shows (Tabletop)| Plenary Forum | Keynote Forum | Session Speaker Program |
Scientific Workshops | Networking Sessions | Promotional Sessions | Technical Workshops | Business Talks
Symposia | Young Researchers Forums | Group Sessions | Round Table Discussions | Exhibitions
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WEL2025 : Empowers women across the world by equipping them with opportunities that empower them, boost confidence and tools to enhance their career and make an influence on the industry.
#WEL2025: A life-changing conference for Women Entrepreneurs & Leaders in Business, it aims at enhancing the proficiency and connections of women in technology.
# WEL2025: Designed for encouraging, networking, and instructing women in Tech, which is definitely a golden opportunity for tech industry women as it’s a dynamic assembly of chance for connecting instructional sessions, and industrial leaders.
# WEL2025: Gathering leaders, inspiring womens with great success stories from across the globe for considering the pressing issues prevailing across the world.