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Editor Biography

Sandy Goldstone

The Hearts Way, Australia Spiritual Mentor/Life Coach, Speaker Intuitive Energy Worker, Artist. Live..Chang, Australia


Sandy Goldstone is a great lover of Life, and all things of an esoteric nature, who cherishes and values the colourful array of experiences and opportunities Life has blessed her with to know Her to be a wise and unconditionally loving universe in which we have the privilege and joy to co-create with as eternal souls of love. Sandy has had four near death experiences, the first being at nine years of age. These experiences and  he truths revealed, have been the catalyst and foundation for the past thirty years of service, as a church pastor, clinical supervisor for sexual abuse, substance abuse worker, holistic counsellor, mentoring women in compassionate leadership, radio host, speaker, writer, artist, astrologer, and business owner of The Hearts Way. Sandy’s soul’s purpose is for the awakening ofour hearts, the liberation of our Souls, and the embodiment of the Truth of Who and What we Are. She is a continual student in the study of True Self Consciousness, Universal and Natural Law.

Research Interest