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Author Biography

Simone Obrien, Speaker, Domestic violence survivor
Advocate for Women Affected by domestic violence, Australia


Simone O’Brien is a domestic violence survivor, speaker, strong advocate for women against violence, and mother of three beautiful  children. Her journey started in 2012 when she suffered a horrific attack at the hands of a perpetrator who would not take “no” for an answer.  It started with emotional and psychological abuse and ended up with her being beaten with a baseball bat to within inches of her  life.  Somehow, with the support of family and friends, Simone got through that night and today, she travels around Australia and  Internationally, to share her story of courage and strength, to raise awareness on the red flags related to domestic violence and  prevent these incidences from happening again.  Using her personal story of determination, resilience, courage and strength, Simone aims to champion non-violence against women  and children. Together, let’s stop domestic violence.