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Author Biography

Ngozi Oyewole Board Chair/CEO Strategic Women & Youth Institute (SWYI)


Mrs Ngozi Oyewole is an astute entrepreneur and has been a protagonist in the aspect of Youth Empowerment, Gender Equality and Innovation that are enshrined in SDG 4, 5 and 9 respectively. There was an overarching desire and consciousness to take to task some of the SDG goals. These were the compelling force and drive to the establishment of Strategic Women and Youth Institute (SWYI) in October 2021 of which she is the BoardChair/CEO. A distinct position supporting SDG 9 is the creation and hosting of a “Youth Idea Lab “ Platform in March 2022 which aims to capture, collaborate, scale up and measure ideas of the youth in a central innovative Lab by empowering the young people to be self-confident and self-esteem.