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Author Biography

Dr. Tinuade Adekunbi Ojo
Pan African Women Studies, Institute for Pan African Thought and Conversation (IPATC)
The 4IR and Digital Policy Research Unit (4DPRU), University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Editor: African Journal of Political Science (AAPS Journal)
Managing Editor: Digital Policy Studies, (DPS) University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Editor: BRICS Journal, University of Johannesburg


Dr Tinuade Adekunbi Ojo is the unit head for Pan African Women Studies at the Institute of Pan African Thought and Conversation. She also serves as an academic and researcher at the Department of Politics and International Relations and the 4IR and Digital Policy Research Unit at the University of Johannesburg. She holds a PhD in political science from the University of Pretoria. Her master’s and honours were in Development Studies from UNISA. As a feminist political economist, her work explores the gendered dimension of trade, financial inclusion, sustainable development goals, digital transformation in policy, politics and digitalization, international political economy, gender inequality and poverty reduction strategies. Tinuade has published a wide range of works on gender and development policy, the IMF’s external relations with Africa, BRICS, Southern Africa, and West Africa, focusing on the political economy of trade and aid. In addition, she has acted as a peer reviewer for renowned scientific journals. Additionally, Tinuade is a senior research fellow for the African School of Governance and Policy Studies and a research associate at the African Centre for the Study of the United States (ACSUS-UP). She has held and still holds various administrative portfolios, including tutor, supervisor, usher, mentor, and administrator for postgraduate students. She is an Associate Editor for African Journal for Political Science (AJPS), and BRICS Journal and Managing Editor and Researcher for the Digital Policy Studies Unit (4DPRU) at Johannesburg. Tinuade is a member of international and local associates, CAAS, IPSA, AAPS, ASA, DSA, UNASA UP, SACE, SAAPS, and others. Tinuade is the African Association of Political Science (AAPS) program officer. She is responsible for Partnership and Resource Mobilization for CBWN-Africa. Additionally, she receives many awards, scholarships and grants, presented at local and international conferences. Her recent work debates “Ojo, TA (2022). Digital Financial Inclusion for Women in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Key Towards SDG 5. Africa Review. (2022), 1-26. doi: https://doi. org/10.1163/09744061-20220204” and “Gendered Finance and Economic Opportunities in SADC Communities: An overview of Challenges and Prospects” and Global Governance of Finance and African Relations with the World, in The Palgrave Handbook of Africa and the Changing Global Order, Palgrave MacMillian by T. Falola & S.O. Oloruntoba, 2022. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham